Pool Information

Fringe Benefits Included in Calculation of Pool Rates

Benefit Summary by Employee Fringe Pool

Fringe Benefits Pool Definitions

Clinical Faculty

The following job codes: F_11, F_12, F_13, F_14, F_15, F_16, F_17, FM__.

Permanent Status - Eligible for all fringe benefits - Search done through Affirmative Action.

For the purpose of the fringe benefit pool methodology, “clinical faculty” are defined as faculty whose primary appointments are in a “clinical department”.  For this purpose, a “clinical department” is defined as having a clinic or clinics where a faculty member treats clinic patients.  Currently, “clinical departments” as defined here are only in the Carver College of Medicine and the College of Dentistry.

Primary Appointment in a Clinical Department - 2280, 2310, 2320, 2330, 2340, 2350, 2360, 2370, 2380, 2390, 2400, 2410, 3200, 3205, 3210, 3215, 3220, 3225,3230, 3240, 3245, 3250 3255, 3260, 3265, 3266, 3270, 3271, 3272, 3273, 3275, 7280, 8400, 8520, 8525, 8608, 8610, 8680, 8690, 8760, 8766, 8775, 8890, 8920, 8930, 8940, 9300-9399

Non-Clinical Faculty

The following job codes F_11, F_12, F_13, F_14, F_15, F_16, F_17, FM__.

Permanent Status - Eligible for all fringe benefits - Search done through Affirmative Action.

Non-Clinical Departments - all departments not in included in Clinical Faculty

Professional & Scientific

All P&S job codes - P___, except for PZ job codes that apply to House Staff.

All Merit Exempt job codes (effective 7/1/2009)

Permanent Status - Eligible for all fringe benefits - Search done through Affirmative Action.


All professional employees engaged in tertiary health care at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics as specifically described in the union agreement.

Merit Staff

All Merit job Codes - G___

Excludes Merit Exempt job codes (effective 7/1/2009)

Permanent Status - Eligible for all fringe benefits - Hired through Regents Merit System Guidelines.

House Staff

The following job codes: PZ10, PZ11, PZ12, PZ13, PZ14, PZ15, PZ18, PZ25, PZ26.

Graduate Assistants

The following job codes: F_18, F_19.


The following job code: FP02 and F_52, including FT52

Postdoctoral Scholars

The following job codes: FP01

Temporary - Faculty, Professional & Scientific, Merit, Bi-Weekly Non-Students

All job codes included in Faculty, Non-Clinical Faculty, P&S, and Merit categories listed above including PZ job codes that are not House Staff ranks.

Temporary Status - Hired without a search.

Standby Pay, Overtime and Callback Pay

Bi-Weekly Students

Students hired through Student Financial Aid. And the following job codes FR18 and FT18.


(As of 1/22/2008) -- Extra compensation payments eligible for FICA benefits only.  Includes bonuses, awards, research subjects, blood donors, extra compensation, and technology allowances.